How to hire the best fit

In this week CEO blog, we are going to look at two tips on how to hire the best people for your team. To work faster and be better organized, the tool of the week let you make lists and cross each task when they are done.Improving your hiring processSince I started working (long before […]

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The challenges of Crypto

In the last few weeks, I’ve been going a lot more to events in the crypto community.In this post I’ll tell you about my insights into the current market.This week highlighted tool will help you translate your texts and emails faster with fewer mistakes.Current challenges of cryptocurrenciesCryptocurrencies and blockchain have been part of my interests […]

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Talking to a journalist

This week we had the honor to be on the front page of the economic newspaper AGEFI. We saw a big increase in traffic on our website and a growing interest in the token sale In this week’s CEO blog, I try a new structure: in the first paragraph I talk about my personal story […]

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FINMA and TaaL – Play by the rules

This week at EZYcount went extremely fast. On top of the usual work, we sent our official letter to FINMA regarding EZYcount TaaL token sale, and on Thursday, I visited the SICTIC investor event with blockchain challenge. The tool of the week is for free and quick video conference.FINMA letter sent On Friday, we […]

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Presentation EZYcount TaaL

This week in the CEO blog, I’m talking about the public presentation of EZYcount blockchain project: EZYcount TaaL. Furthermore, I look at EZYcount last update and talk about the tool of the week, which helps you edit pictures directly in your web browser. But to start, let’s see where was EZYcount in the news this week:THE […]

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First meeting with the crypto community

Second article CEO blog ! hop, I start.This week we talk about my visit to the ICO Race in Lugano, EZYcount news and the practical tool of the week to have a professional email address.EZYcount NewsThe EZYcount news of the week in brief are:New pages on the EZYcount website: The contact page has been completely […]

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Start of a new accounting era

This is the first article of a new weekly blog list. A new era in accounting, a new era for EZYcount, a new era in EZYcount communication. My aim is to be direct, transparent and inclusive in what we do at EZYcount. We are not there yet but we are working hard toward it. This list […]

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Quote in Euromoney 29.03.2018

Vivien, CEO of EZYcount, was quoted in the article “G20 ministers wrestle with cryptocurrency oversight” by Solomon Teague of Euromoney magazine.The article reports on discussions at the March G20 finance ministers’ meeting in Buenos Aires on currency cryptography.Vivien is quoted on his vision that money, tokens and other assets that can be created on the […]

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For an AI automated blockchain accounting

This is the first article from a serie about how TaaL will change how companies sell software.We see accounting as the most time-consuming and unnecessarily cumbersome admin task facing small businesses today, it can also be extremely stressful and nerve-wracking for people doing this for the first time.  At EZYcount, we envisage accounting for the self-employed […]

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The 12 steps of an accounting year-end

The 12 steps of an accounting year-end closing1Check the balances of the bank accounts, the postal account, the credit cards, PayPal and the cash register as of 31.12.20172Control account statements by account3Make the inventory4Calculate and record depreciation5Booking of accounts receivable/payables as of 31.12.20176Booking of transitory accounts7Make profit/loss booking: LINK8Print the balance sheet at 31.12.2017 (2 […]

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