
Category Archives for "Blockchain"

Quote in Euromoney 29.03.2018

Vivien, CEO of EZYcount, was quoted in the article “G20 ministers wrestle with cryptocurrency oversight” by Solomon Teague of Euromoney magazine.The article reports on discussions at the March G20 finance ministers’ meeting in Buenos Aires on currency cryptography.Vivien is quoted on his vision that money, tokens and other assets that can be created on the […]

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For an AI automated blockchain accounting

This is the first article from a serie about how TaaL will change how companies sell software.We see accounting as the most time-consuming and unnecessarily cumbersome admin task facing small businesses today, it can also be extremely stressful and nerve-wracking for people doing this for the first time.  At EZYcount, we envisage accounting for the self-employed […]

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